

So I have been home from Ecuador for a few weeks now and I just have to say that it was the most amazing experience! I was so sad that my time was cut short but I hope to go back someday! I fell in love with all of kids down there, but the ones with special needs were for sure my favorite! It would take forever and a day to write about my adventure down there but it was AWESOME!!! Here are just a few of the hundreds of pictures that I took!


One Last Get Together

My family had one last get together before everyone had to go back home after the holidays. Everyone came over to our house for brunch, games, and then birthday cake for Uncle Russel and Grandpa! We all had so much fun. It's great to get to spend time together with most of our extended family!

My Aunt took this because it was a joke that there was $700 worth of butt in those pants! Haha