I Finally Did It
Well folks I finally did it. I made blog that also includes Michael. It is mandmhanson.blogspot.com. If you check up on us feel free to check it out because that is where posts shall be made from now on. I am so not tech savvy in any way. How do I make it so that I can look at the private blogs that I had access to on this blog on my new blog? It is the same email address, but it won't let me add them. Help!!!
1 Year
As of yesterday we have been married for a year. I think it was the fastest year of my life. It flew by so fast! We were talking about the things that we did/accomplished in our first year of marriage last night at dinner and I couldn't believe it. We really did quite a lot from buying a house and getting a puppy to both of us graduating and starting our careers. Life is good over here in the Hanson house and we can't wait to see what we will have to talk about on our future anniversaries!

We went to dinner at Ruth's Chris. It is so delicious!!!

Our partially eaten caramelized banana cream pie. Seriously the best dessert I've ever had.
- Posted with love from my iPhone

We went to dinner at Ruth's Chris. It is so delicious!!!

Our partially eaten caramelized banana cream pie. Seriously the best dessert I've ever had.
- Posted with love from my iPhone
Oh nelly we are so ready for summer!! The school that I have been teaching at is total hell. Every day was a new nightmare to encounter. The administration was a total joke (superintendent choking/beating up a student outside my classroom, that's just one of many many things) and I am so ready to be done. May 25 is my last day and I can't wait to leave and never come back. I told all of my parents to have their kids switch schools and about 3/4 of them took my advice. But luckily I got hired at Willow Springs Elementary in Canyson School District for next year. So stoked! Also, Michael Troy graduated from the U. I am beyond thrilled!! I strongly disliked that he would be gone so late at night at class, and I would be stressed beyond belief when he woud procrastinate his assignments (which really makes no sense because I am the queen of procrastination). But I am just so happy he is done. We will be spending some time at bear lake, getting snow cones, going to the pool, continuing to teach Millie, going on hikes, having bbq's and fires, and playing with friends as much as possible. I am so excited to have the whole summer off. I will work a few times a week at my old insurance job, but nothing to strenuous. I feel that this summer is going to be good to us!!
An Update
So in my last post I said that we were going private. I seriously had every intention of doing so but I may have jumped the gun. I talked to the mom of the nuggets I watch and she said that she wasn't worried about it, so I guess I shouldn't be either. So thanks to everyone who emailed, texted, or the one person (thanks Dash! haha) who commented here for your email addresses but it looks like I won't be needing them after all. Anywho... Here is what has been going on.
I seriously suck at blogging ever since I started teaching because it is so draining. I wouldn't trade it for anything and I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have but I have a few issues with the school that I am at so it takes WAY more time than it should, even though teachers spend tons of extra time doing things but that will be another rant for another day. But honestly I leave for work at 6:50 in the morning, get home about 5:30 and then I usually spend at least 2-3 hours a night doing school stuff at home and it is kind of kicking my trash. i. cannot. wait. for. spring break.
I mentioned before that we were going to add to the fam and we really did it. We have had little miss Millie for almost a month and oh heavens how I love that sweet puppy! She seriously is my favorite. Her cute little face just melts my heart and she has the sweetest personality. And do I dare say it and possibly jinx us? She is like 98% potty trained. She is just barely 10 weeks old and it has been over 2 weeks since we have had an accident (knock on wood!). And she is a really good sleeper. She rarely wakes up more than once a night to go potty and she goes right back to sleep if she does. She has been so much fun and I think the hubs and I agree that it might have been the best decision we have ever made getting her.
Next thing, we bought a house. If I think like I am busy now I feel like a have a whole other coming once we actually move in and have to get settled and figure out how to decorate the place and what not. We close next Wednesday and we are pretty jazzed about it. Cross your fingers for us that everything goes as planned or else we will be homeless because we told our landlors that there will be no more of us after the 31st. Oh and PS, our landlords don't like that we have a puppy... Our super classy neighbor ratted us out and said that she is out of control and runs around like crazy all day, but she is gone all day so I don't really get it. But I think he is a major D-bag because thanks to him we had to pay extra for Millie plus another deposit. Awesome.
But really things are going great. I will put up pictures of the house and of Millie boo the second I get a chance!
I seriously suck at blogging ever since I started teaching because it is so draining. I wouldn't trade it for anything and I am so grateful for the opportunity that I have but I have a few issues with the school that I am at so it takes WAY more time than it should, even though teachers spend tons of extra time doing things but that will be another rant for another day. But honestly I leave for work at 6:50 in the morning, get home about 5:30 and then I usually spend at least 2-3 hours a night doing school stuff at home and it is kind of kicking my trash. i. cannot. wait. for. spring break.
I mentioned before that we were going to add to the fam and we really did it. We have had little miss Millie for almost a month and oh heavens how I love that sweet puppy! She seriously is my favorite. Her cute little face just melts my heart and she has the sweetest personality. And do I dare say it and possibly jinx us? She is like 98% potty trained. She is just barely 10 weeks old and it has been over 2 weeks since we have had an accident (knock on wood!). And she is a really good sleeper. She rarely wakes up more than once a night to go potty and she goes right back to sleep if she does. She has been so much fun and I think the hubs and I agree that it might have been the best decision we have ever made getting her.
Next thing, we bought a house. If I think like I am busy now I feel like a have a whole other coming once we actually move in and have to get settled and figure out how to decorate the place and what not. We close next Wednesday and we are pretty jazzed about it. Cross your fingers for us that everything goes as planned or else we will be homeless because we told our landlors that there will be no more of us after the 31st. Oh and PS, our landlords don't like that we have a puppy... Our super classy neighbor ratted us out and said that she is out of control and runs around like crazy all day, but she is gone all day so I don't really get it. But I think he is a major D-bag because thanks to him we had to pay extra for Millie plus another deposit. Awesome.
But really things are going great. I will put up pictures of the house and of Millie boo the second I get a chance!
Our blog is changing!
Well folks, our blog is changing. The name of it, and the fact that it is public. Here are the reasons for both...
Why is the name changing? Well, I am no longer Morgan Harper, and Michael is a part of this as well. So we shall have a new name for our blog. I have yet to think of what it will be though. The hubs and I shall discuss and get back to you on that.
Why are we going private? Well, truthfully I have always contemplated about going private but I thought that we really had no reason to because I really don't put anything on here that I am not okay with the general public seeing, because duh, it's a blog! I thought that maybe I would change when we had kids because they would be so frequently documented but I would cross that bridge when it came to it. Well then I thought about my nuggets that I watch now. They aren't on our blog a ton, but they do make it on occasionally and when they do I try to use their nicknames for them. Sometimes I would slip and use their real names but I really wasn't super concerned.
But then I looked and you know how you can see what people put in their search box that leads them to your blog? Well quite a few people were looking up young girls, and even specific ages and they would get to my blog! There are absolutely no inappropriate picture of anything on our blog (especially of kids!) but it still made me wonder what these creeps were doing with the pictures. So therefore, we are going private. I know that a ton of people don't look at our blog but if you want to be able to look at, just send me your email so I can add you. There have been a few peoples blogs that I "blog-stalk" (I swear not in a creeper way) that I either went to high school with, or I found it through a friend and I think their blog is interesting or funny or whatever and then they go private and I don't send my email because I feel like a total weirdo! But seriously, if you are one of those people just let me know and I wouldn't have a problem with you looking at our blog and I would be happy to add you!
Why is the name changing? Well, I am no longer Morgan Harper, and Michael is a part of this as well. So we shall have a new name for our blog. I have yet to think of what it will be though. The hubs and I shall discuss and get back to you on that.
Why are we going private? Well, truthfully I have always contemplated about going private but I thought that we really had no reason to because I really don't put anything on here that I am not okay with the general public seeing, because duh, it's a blog! I thought that maybe I would change when we had kids because they would be so frequently documented but I would cross that bridge when it came to it. Well then I thought about my nuggets that I watch now. They aren't on our blog a ton, but they do make it on occasionally and when they do I try to use their nicknames for them. Sometimes I would slip and use their real names but I really wasn't super concerned.
But then I looked and you know how you can see what people put in their search box that leads them to your blog? Well quite a few people were looking up young girls, and even specific ages and they would get to my blog! There are absolutely no inappropriate picture of anything on our blog (especially of kids!) but it still made me wonder what these creeps were doing with the pictures. So therefore, we are going private. I know that a ton of people don't look at our blog but if you want to be able to look at, just send me your email so I can add you. There have been a few peoples blogs that I "blog-stalk" (I swear not in a creeper way) that I either went to high school with, or I found it through a friend and I think their blog is interesting or funny or whatever and then they go private and I don't send my email because I feel like a total weirdo! But seriously, if you are one of those people just let me know and I wouldn't have a problem with you looking at our blog and I would be happy to add you!
Mrs. Hanson
That is the name that I am going to start hearing roughly 100 times a day. I just got offered a job to teach kindergarten at Quail Run Primary School in Pleasant Grove. I'm not super stoked about the location, or that it is a charter school. However, the charter might turn out to be amazing, it's just new to me. But I am really jazzed about the fact that it is kindergarten. To some people this might be their worst nightmare, but I think it is pretty awesome. I am way bummed to leave my job now though. They have been such a great company to work for. They have treated me really well while I have been here and even when I told them about my new job they were so excited for me and wanted to know all about it. They are truly amazing and I am going to miss it. But luckily I just have to miss it until the end of the school year and then they are going to let me come back and work over the summer! Seriously that makes me so excited! I will basically get to work whenever works for me. It's my ultimate dream summer job. I can have as many lazy days as I want while also not feeling like I have nothing to do. Then when summer comes to an end I will get to go back and meet my new kindergarten class. I am really looking forward to this! :)
These days....
At the Hanson home we pretty much spend our free time watching football, basketball, and One Tree Hill, which coincidentally is about basketball. Unless you are living under a rock you might have heard how AWESOME THE SAN FRANCISCO 49ERS ARE DOING. Yeah, we heart them in our house. I must admit I didn't have a fave NFL team but then he put a ring on it and he loves them so I would watch with him and I fell in love with them too. The game last Saturday against the New Orleans Saints was pretty intense and I must admit that Michael having to stand up and pace during a super intense time spread to me and I couldn't sit down because the last few minutes were so intense and I may or may not have been sweating because of it. Well they won. Here is a little recap in case you missed it. So now we have one more game against the NY Giants and if we win we are going to the super bowl!! So exciting! And this is my true girl coming out, I really need them to go to the super bowl bowl because hubby promised me months ago that if they made it he would buy me a 49ers sweat suit from Victoria's Secret and by golly I want me a sweat suit!
Now our dear friends the Jazz on the other hand, also KILLING IT! We really like the Jazz and have a good time watching the games together and on occasion with friends. We are hoping that they keep up the good work and continue to play hard because we are loving every second of them this year! I am really liking Enes Kanter, that rookie has some skills! And of course the beloved Paul Millsap. I seriously can't get enough of him. Michael makes fun of me because every time he does something good I jump/cheer/dance. I just love him. And Michael really likes him too. So much that we are adding a new addition to our family and her name is Mille. Nope, no human baby here. Just a canine baby. Yep, we are getting a puppy!
Millie is a black lab and was born January 10, 2012 and we couldn't be more excited to get her! We need to give her some more time with her mommy but we are looking forward to the day when we get to bring her home. Wish us (and the niners and Jazz) luck!!
Now our dear friends the Jazz on the other hand, also KILLING IT! We really like the Jazz and have a good time watching the games together and on occasion with friends. We are hoping that they keep up the good work and continue to play hard because we are loving every second of them this year! I am really liking Enes Kanter, that rookie has some skills! And of course the beloved Paul Millsap. I seriously can't get enough of him. Michael makes fun of me because every time he does something good I jump/cheer/dance. I just love him. And Michael really likes him too. So much that we are adding a new addition to our family and her name is Mille. Nope, no human baby here. Just a canine baby. Yep, we are getting a puppy!
Millie is a black lab and was born January 10, 2012 and we couldn't be more excited to get her! We need to give her some more time with her mommy but we are looking forward to the day when we get to bring her home. Wish us (and the niners and Jazz) luck!!
Jazz home opener
I put some Jazz tickets in Michael Troy's stocking this year for the first home game of the year. They were decent seats, but nothing to write home about. We went and got cafe rio before the game because I had been craving it so bad! Then when we got there Michael talked to a few of the scalpers there to try and trade in our tickets. We ended up getting 10th row for nearly the same price as our original tickets. We were so stoked! We were both so happy to be so close and we were even more happy when they won! It was such a great day and we were happy to be able to go on a much needed date with just the two of us. Now we are just hoping that this won't be their only win this year....

- Posted with love from my iPhone

- Posted with love from my iPhone
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